HERth Day

Earth Day this year is about a deeper sense of "her" beyond the earth who I do think of as female. The "her" in (her)earth day is my daughter. In time, it will be her earth. Most recently I read in Grist.org that even if we stopped all industrial and commercial activity right this moment...the forces we have set in motion will keep on working for another 50 years. So we have to prepare for the changes we have catalyzed. What are we leaving behind for our children to tackle in the coming years? They will have to simultaneously innovate and endure to address the circumstances coming their way. 

Boquets to Art De Young Museum 2013
Art is a path through. I am a believer that it can be a way through and will help us find new perspectives and possibly new solutions for the future.

This is from Bouquets to Art, an annual art event at the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco where floral designers are invited to come in and mimic or compliment the story of various paintings with floral arrangements. This is an extreme closeup of one such arrangement.

Will my daughter know bananas in her old age, or not these same kinds?

Little Girl With Bananas, Trader Joe's
How can we get more people working every day to address the beauty we have around us? I hope to inspire others to take a closer look and zoom and. Don't forget the sunset just because you are in your car is the value I hope more and more of us can begin to live by, regardless of where in the world.
Two months ago we had pink and lavender popcorn on the trees that had the energy of spring racing through them. That's California spring, it starts early!

Oakland Rockridge Cherry Blossoms 2013
Spring blooms. Oakland, CA

Lichen, San Francisco Bay Area
Lichen. Diablo State Park

Ladybug, Redwood Regional Park Oakland, CA
Ladybug, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland

Spring Blossoms Fairfax Creek Californi
Fairfax, California

Horses in a field, Nicasio, CA
Horses in Nicasio, CA

A very clever DJ on the radio inspired me today so to close out this Earth Day reflection, sing along (note the poignant refrain):

'Cause it's the new Mother Nature taking over
It's the new Splendid lady come to call
It's the new Mother Nature taking over
She's gettin' us all
She's gettin' us all.
