Mom? Who is this Mom you Speak Of?

Mother Daughter Matching Haircuts

I was recently taking stock of my life, looking at what was next for me and for this long-neglected blog. I mapped out the branches of my life and wrote a small list of what I wanted to tackle under each area.

Momentarily, I jotted down "Mom," but then moved on to filling out other areas. Returning to that section some minutes later, my short term memory had what's commonly deemed an epic fail. With apologies to my amazing daughter I thought to myself:   
My Mom's not ill or in need of something right now, why is this an area I thought needed a time investment? I must have had a Freudian pen fail just now.

As I crossed out Mom and looked over the rest of the areas of the list:  career, family, creative projects, personal health, hobbies I realized I had forgotten:  I am a Mom.

Oh yeah! Right...that little thing.

It's funny how when life opens up space so much rushes in to tell you it's time for your mission to take center stage again.

If you're a mother like me- first of all, speak up in the comments:  have you ever had something like this happen to you?

I could click away on my keyboard how embarrassing this is, but I know I'm not alone. It's not a sleepy afternoon or stress that causes us to forget our parental lives temporarily. It's a sign of something else- that we have much to pass on to our children and to the world.

Are you a motherhood oggler? You might enjoy my Daughter Hair board on Pinterest.
