Rachel Papers in a White Wool Sailor Cap?

Why is it even in the New York Times, that celebrity interviews always resort to detailing what they're wearing? This is the kind of shit I expect from Mademoiselle, not the Times. That internet, that wily clicksure internet has seduced me in- straight from the Times home page to read about another Rachel.

But being in the minority of women looking at women (allegedly), the text panders to me instead of tellling me about her career and what she thinks about her work. Instead, the headline poses the juxtaposition "the thinking man's pinup or complex cinematic presence?"

"The fearless beauty Rachel Weisz says, Why not both?" giggles the article. Come on click, you know you want to read about brains and beauty. Ha ha.

I've been cruelly deceived. I'm now transparently in the Times' Lifestyle section. Lifestyle is where the Times knows (they KNOW!) that I'm going to demand to what she was wearing when interviewed. Because until after we are enlightened by author Lynn Hirschberg's wafe-life profile of the actress, all we know about Rachel is that "she's a pinup."

That "Why not both?" is the out clause. The disclaimer seems to be saying, "see, we didn't assume is all hotties start out as pinups until otherwise interviewed." Dumb blond until proven brunette. Innocent until proven guilty; or is it the other way around? Depends on the coutnry where you live. Soulless until proven sentient. Crustacean until birthed mammalian.

We're all just pinups until we can say of our careers, "Why not both?" Depending on what roles we take, what our life stories are, how passionate and intellectual we are, we "evolve" into being "complex cinematic presences." Dumb blond until proven brunette. Innocent until proven guilty; or is it the other way around? Soulless until proven sentient. Crustacean until birthed mammalian.

And you call this culture?

The article doesn't fail to give us a slice of Rachel: what she's eating and that she's pregnant. So you see, you "thinking men" (you know who you are, the ones who swoon for the hotties, only to discover they're "complex cinematic presences" and thus not in your league) who've innocently clicked- tired of articles on Iraq and Shrub, you've been lured by a hottie. She's pregnant so forget about it! All of it! She's taken. She's accomplished. She's starring in hot new films and competing heartily with Cate Blanchett. Forget her forever!