September Meditations

50, 60, 70 decade walk, Morcom Rose Garden, Oakland
In this season of harvest, I remember those who are now behind us and who have now moved on from this world. You are missed and your memories give new life to memories of my own loss from years past.

It is a time for bittersweet experiences, like the taste of the pure fruit sugar from the orange-yellow mini tomatoes that are exploding in my garden right now (move aside strawberries!!):  so sweet and yet so small.

My little girl's best friend is moving away this week. May she not see it as loss and may Skype, time, and fortune somehow sustain her dearest, first friend.

Hard Times Require Furious Dancing, poster, Maya Angelou, Shiloh McCloud artist

What's on your road ahead? What tastes linger from your plate? Where do your footsteps take you? And frankly, are you doing wheelies with your stroller?

Recommended listening for your meditation:  "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire.

May the dance heal your sadness and embody your joy. And may Mother Mabon take you gently into her care this September.
