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World of Warcraft Specs

Congratulations to fellow Bay Area resident Sasha Cagen who has come out with To Do List, the book, a natural follow on to To Do List magazine (she's the founding editor). I first met Sasha about a year after she'd authored the book Quirkyalone. My future husband bought me her book in 2004 as a Valentine's Day gift. He'd diagnosed me as a quirkyalone and he was right. Earlier this year, however, I officially changed my status from a quirkyalone to a quirkytogether. Check to see if you might be a quirkyalone by taking this quiz.

What I like about Sasha's work in diagnosing cultural phenoms like quirkyalones and compulsive (and not compulsive) list makers, is that she's reflecting the highly personal evidences of what's happening inside our own heads. Many of us still use, make, despise and love lists despite our iPhones, Treos, Blackberries, Day Runners and Day Timers. Evoking dreams and desires still happens with the written hand for many of us.

Around the turn of the century, I began to feel more "official" by making my lists electronic- because then that way they had to be both written by hand and then typed up as well to really solidify the intentions behind them. I've shared once such rather personal sample of this with you below. But first, the rest of the story.

I got Sasha's call for lists when she was building her book- and I didn't send in my lists because I thought they weren't interesting enough and the interesting ones were too personal. But now that she has the book out and the magazine continues on, I've decided to share. After all, blogging is a privilege you should take part in only if you are putting something personal out there- some "skin in the game" as an old technology sales colleague of mine used to say. I guess personal doesn't have to private too though. Oh well, argue=deconstruct, argue=deconstruct, la la lah.

In the process of using my husband's computer and scanner to generate an image of my "desired career attributes" list (the yellow paper I printed it in was a compelling thing to share rather than just the electronic file), I also found a delightful list of his right there in Notepad on his desktop (image shown above). It's a list he made relevant to his past time of playing World of Warcraft. Perhaps he'll give us more details in the comments about what this is about and what level his character has to reach to be able to acquire these enchantments.
The list I share with you below I made this summer as I was searching for my next real job- dream job of sorts. In fact it did come along. The list coincides with seeds I planted at the time to manifest the intentions of the list. It specifies qualities I wanted in a job- so the qualities match the names and implications of the type of seeds I planted.

In keeping with Sasha's format of posting her own quick thought underneath the images of the lists she compiled in her book, I thought I should comment on my husband's list (top image) on his behalf:

Your shit is never safe when you live with a blogger! They get enchanted with the weirdest things. Keep a secret partition on your hard drive!


  1. Some friends and I play World of Warcraft together. One of my friends is an enchanter, and he and I have cut a deal: I make potions and elixirs for him and mail them to him, and he adds enchantments to the gear my character wears. But there are a huge number of possible enchantments to gear, so I had to do some research on what I wanted. After spending some time on WowWiki analyzing the choices, I produced this list.


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